In May of 2018, Live Fresh, LLC., The Cascade Business Association, community leaders and volunteers, with support from the Department of City Planning, hosted the first Live Fresh Cascade Festival to promote healthy lifestyles and brand the Cascade Heights Commercial Historic District as a regional destination for food, music and art. This community celebration highlighted the Atlanta City Studio, the Cascade Next Economic Development Initiative and the Office of Mobility Planning’s Placemaking initiatives within the Cascade community.


As the inaugural signature event for the Cascade community, it drew new visitors to the Cascade area, helping to lay the foundation for a regional destination for health, wellness and economic growth through the offerings of this unique community.

The Live Fresh Cascade Festival featured various foods, highlighting vegan and vegetarian cuisine, health and wellness demonstrations, financial and real estate tips, a kid’s zone, family-friendly activities, live musical performances, a scavenger hunt highlighting the Storefront Redesign Program, giveaways and a diverse group of local artisans selling their unique wares.