The Atlanta City Studio partnered with local non-profit EcoAddendum to lead a series of nature walks through five notable greenspaces in Southwest Atlanta. The locations included Cascade Springs Nature Preserve, Lionel Hampton Nature Preserve, Adams Park, The Outdoor Activity Center, and Herbert Green Nature Preserve.


The purpose was to highlight natural spaces that are strongly connected with the neighborhood’s identity and reconnect Atlanta residents to our backyard parks. We have the second densest tree canopy in the City and are home to many of Georgia’s original forests with tree specimen aging over 200 years old. The series provided an opportunity for participants to learn about our original forests and observe the wildlife and native plant material that thrive in our natural ecosystems. Using the intersection of our parks and corridors is important to connecting people to nature, a core value of many Atlantans. Participants learned of ways to become further engaged by participating in opportunities such as invasive species removal gatherings and by becoming certified naturalists.
